To advise you at each stage of development of your products and effectively support you in innovation.
The regulatory strategy should enable any company to evaluate the regulatory risks and to take into consideration the scientific, medical and social context of their products, designs and developments.
Our regulatory and scientific team advises you on the best regulatory strategy to apply:
choice of the most appropriate regulatory status to adopt taking into consideration your constraints (composition of products, claims, distribution networks, marketing country) and the characteristics of your product
Understanding the rights and requirements related to each regulatory framework
Understanding the regulatory differences between the product categories, and the different countries around the world
Strategy for the submission of registration dossiers in Europe and abroad
Consolidation of the regulatory positioning of your products by scientific or additional toxicological research
RNI built their reputation on support and the “after-sales service” they provide for their clients.
RNI is committed through their advice and recommendations and supports you so that you can meet all the demands of the authorities.
RNI’s work method is based on solid regulatory competences together with a knowledge of authorities in Europe and abroad. Our network developed in the different countries enable us to understand and determine how much room there is to manoeuvre and the possibilities for negotiation in order to support your products and developments. Therefore, our regulatory activity is accompanied by a private and effective lobbying activity for our clients.